We used Amazon Web Services (AWS) so that the whole system was cloud-based and could scale for future loads as the platform grew, with a pay-for-use system to save them money in the early days. We also implemented MySQL within AWS RDS, which – being a familiar tool – freed up developers to focus on other features.
We set up four profile types on the platform, with a tag system and verification checks to ensure that there was a real athlete or brand associated with each profile. Then we set up a matching system using big data and external social networks’ API integrations. In the near future, we will be setting up artificial intelligence algorithms, to automate the analysis and further refine their service.

Changes were identified through our progress reviews as the brief transformed and developed, leading to intense periods of frequent updates. Different parts of the client team also required different features, so we had to manage multiple requests and react quickly while ensuring the live platform was stable.
We used Docker, which allowed us to run and test the changes we were making and then quickly move them into production.
Features and ideas that were not immediately required were put into a backlog, and prioritised at the progress meetings. For example, we advised Sportskred to put automated payments into the backlog, as it was easier and cheaper to use manual payments with the initial low volume of transactions.
We set up a custom admin panel for the owners, who used this to view how the platform was performing, provide custom analytics, and also make adjustments to some of the features.

- CSS3
- Knockout.js
- jQuery
- Grunt
- JavaScript